AxoSpark MathsForSureTM is a complete personalized learning system, with learning to solve word problems at its core.
All aspects of learning including basic learning, assessment and revision.
Audio-visual explanations of solution of word problems generated on the fly using machine learning. Not relying on pre-recorded videos. This enables hyper-personalization of each explanation.
Interactions with student are utilized to personalize pace and content of explanations and assessment. For instance, student can request replay of explanation at a slower pace.
Learning and assessment modules share user knowledge from each other to enable effective personalization.
Mobile App coming soon. Just point the camera to a word problem and get a personalized audio-visual explanation of the solution.
How many books are there in each of the boxes, considering Barry purchases 43 boxes and there are overall 2408 books?
School has 25 classrooms and each of the classroom has 20 desks. How many total desks school has?
What is the overall number of desks school has, considering school has 30 classrooms and each of the classroom has 25 desks?
School has 35 classrooms. Assuming there are 45 desks per classroom, how many altogether desks school has?
If Mukesh purchases 23 samosas and the price of each of the samosas is 7 rupees, how much does Mukesh pay?
If Mike purchases 32 hotdogs and the price of each of the hotdogs is 11 dollars, how much does Mike pay?